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Adult Admissionshow details + $20.00 USD  
Child Admission (12 and under)show details + $10.00 USD  

  • Patchouli and Terra Guitarra
     April 12, 2025
     7:00 pm
Patchouli & Terra Guitarra will be bringing their one-of-a kind production The Landscape of Guitar : Animated Painting Concert Experience
Guitarist/Artist Bruce Hecksel and poet/songtress Julie Patchouli created this original concept in using Hecksel’s Terra Guitarra® acrylic paintings of “guitar landscapes” where every element is a guitar shape, colorfully glittering like stained glass. The paintings flow with the music performance seamlessly, producing a living vibrant backdrop.
You can expect to be transported from your seat in Wabasha to Barcelona, Stonehenge and other worlds where mermaids dive and faeries fly through the guitar constellations of the Milky Way. Soar over guitar canyons to fiery Spanish guitar pieces, like “Malaguena”. Walk guitar labyrinths in the guitar sunset through sweet vocal harmonies. Float on guitar clouds to the sound of Native American flutes and trek to the peaks of the guitar mountains with epic folk rock anthems. Experience the Spirit of the ’60’s & ’70’s, the romance of the Spanish guitar, and the colors of Van Gogh.


Venue Phone: 715-448-0536

611 Broadway Avenue, Wabasha, Minnesota, 55981, United States


WideSpot is now at The Broadway Theater in the Mittel Schule Building in Wabasha, MN

Widespot is supported through donations, ticket sales and grants including the Wabasha Kellogg Area Foundation and Southeast MN Arts Council.  SEMAC activities are made possible by the voters of MN through grants from the MN State Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Thank You WideSpot Supporters!