Donate & Support WideSpot!

Support the arts!

Tax-deductible donations are appreciated in any amount. Your donation has real impact. Ticket sales cover only a portion of  WideSpot’s operating costs. Your financial support is needed to help provide a creative home for the performing arts and to help make it available to everyone. You can support WideSpot financially one of three ways:

1. By check: make your check payable to WideSpot Performing Arts and mail to WideSpot, P.O. Box 600, Stockholm, WI  54769

2. By credit card: click on the DONATE button below to access PayPal. You’ll have the option to use PayPal or your credit card to complete your donation.

3. By giving cash: YES, we still accept cash donations! Please feel free to stuff the DONATIONS jar on the bar the next time you attend a WideSpot event. If you would like a receipt for tax purposes, please use an envelope and include your name and address.

Become a corporate sponsor. As a business owner, you are an important leader in our community. WideSpot reaches hundreds of people each year and helps build a vibrant, healthy community that attracts patrons to area businesses. Call or email us to learn how you can become a sponsor or click the DONATE button below.

WideSpot is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. It operates entirely through the hard work, dedication and enthusiasm of volunteers, including its working Board of Directors. 100% of the proceeds are used to sustain WideSpot’s programming and the ongoing costs of doing business as a nonprofit.

Widespot is supported through donations, ticket sales and grants including the Wabasha Kellogg Area Foundation and Southeast MN Arts Council.  SEMAC activities are made possible by the voters of MN through grants from the MN State Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Thank You WideSpot Supporters!