Get Involved

Show your support by attending!  As a community asset there’s always something entertaining and engaging happening at WideSpot. Check out the event schedule here on our website and plan to attend. Better yet, bring a friend! We look forward to seeing you at WideSpot.

No volunteers, no WideSpot. WideSpot thrives largely through the efforts of its dedicated and talented volunteers — both from its working Board of Directors, who put in a tremendous amount of their personal time to keep WideSpot viable, and through its community members volunteers who help with the tasks required to put on a show. It’s a great feeling to work alongside other volunteers to help put on an evening’s event. No matter what the job, your help will make a big difference! As a nonprofit organization, WideSpot depends on community volunteers to keep its doors open — in return, you will receive free admission to that evening’s event as our way of saying thanks.

Please let us know how you’d like to help. Call us at 715-448-0536, email or sign up to become a volunteer on our website.

WideSpot is organized as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and all donations are tax deductible.

Widespot is supported through donations, ticket sales and grants including the Wabasha Kellogg Area Foundation and Southeast MN Arts Council.  SEMAC activities are made possible by the voters of MN through grants from the MN State Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Thank You WideSpot Supporters!